“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Hi fellow travellers, I’m Josh Goh – the author of this blog. I started Where To Goh (yes, I played with my surname Goh cos it sounds like Go) because I want to document down all the memories and experiences of my travel, both the terrific and dreadful ones.
Many of my peers work extremely hard and most of them delay their pursuit of happiness. There is no right or wrong decision and it’s a personal choice. Life is unpredictable and you never know whether there will be a tomorrow.
I’ve been fortunate that my career progression has been rather smooth. Even though my marketing job does not require me to travel frequently, it helps to fund my addiction for travel, spa and shopping.
An astrologist once told me that I’m a traveller, always on the move. He said that I’m someone who enjoys design, colours, fashion, art and he added that I have good taste. And it’s all based on my birth location and time. After hearing him, I must say his readings are quite representative of me.
I’m not wealthy but I’m definitely not one who will stinge when I go on a holiday. Why torture yourself with budget airline and cheap accommodation? It will only spoil your trip. Trust me, I took budget airline previously and it spoiled my holiday before it even started. So unless I have no choice, I prefer to travel with a bit more style and comfort.
I hope my postings will provide you with some useful insights into some of the hotels that I’ve stayed, restaurants that I’ve taken my meals, spas that I’ve visited and malls that I’ve shopped. So, sit back, relax and soak yourself in the sweet scent of the roses. Our journey starts now.