Japanese centenarian, Ms Toko Shinoda, proves that age is nothing but a number. At her wise age, this international acclaimed artist continues to excite her following around the world with her sumi ink paintings and prints.
Enjoy the high life
Japanese centenarian, Ms Toko Shinoda, proves that age is nothing but a number. At her wise age, this international acclaimed artist continues to excite her following around the world with her sumi ink paintings and prints.
Collectors of Ms Shinoda’s paintings and prints are impressed with her innate ability to fuse both modern abstract expressionism with traditional calligraphy effortlessly. Her strokes are bold yet clean and never excessive. To a novice like me, Ms Shinoda’s works draw me into her world of serenity where the yin and yang is at peace. Hence, it’s not difficult to understand why this leading Japanese woman artist has a huge following, and continues to attract new fans along the way.
Toko Shinoda @100 – A Lifetime of Accomplishment
23 October – 7 November 2013
Club 21 Gallery, Four Seasons #01-05